Kategori: Dansk

ABC Analyzer + Excel eller Office 2010

Når du bruger ABC Analyzer, og vil indlæse data fra Excel-filer, kræver det at de rette komponenter er installeret. Disse komponenter blev automatisk installeret under Office 2007, men ved Office 2010 er dette ikke længere tilfældet. Det er bekræftet at en komplet installation af Office 2010 giver ABC Analyzer mulighed for at indlæse data fra […]

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Vil du lære nyt?

Så kom til undervisning i Kolding eller København. Lær at arbejde målrettet med konkrete problemstillinger, og udvid dine kompetencer så du arbejder hurtigere og mere effektivt. Vi tilbyder tre forskellige typer undervisning, rettet mod både nye og garvede brugere: Problem-orienteret undervisning: Intensive 3-timers sessions med fokus på ét problem – og dets løsning Training, Grundkursus: […]

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Eva Solo made it to the front page of the Danish “Supply Chain Magasinet”

Within two years Eva Solo has reduced their inventory level with 35 %. The remarkable achievement has been documented by the Danish “Supply Chain Magasinet” in the printed October issue (read the online version). Niels Erik Andersen, Logistics Manager, has been responsible for the development, and has used ABC Analyzer to monitor and reduce their […]

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ABC Softwork wins innovation award

We are proud to announce that Logica, a leading business and technology service company, has awarded ABC Softwork its prestigious 2010 Global Innovation Venture Partner Programme (GIVP) in Denmark. Logica’s GIVP aim is to identify companies across the world, with innovative products and solutions, with which Logica can partner to deliver the greatest additional value […]

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“100% customer satisfaction” & “Customer is King”

Statements like these are excellent for marketing but do they help operations? In my experience, they have become part of most retailers’ and wholesalers’ identity. They help to create environments with extreme focus on doing everything possible to satisfy the customers, a behaviour that is causing some problems in operations. At ABC Softwork, I work […]

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