ABC Analyzer 4.2.4

On June 25th ABC Analyzer 4.2.4 was released. This is a minor release that fixes some issues that have occurred in the software – including but not limited to:

  • An issue where creating templates with a specific folder definition wouldn’t allow the user to actually select a folder.
  • An issue where updating the Movements Graph view with a different data set would produce an error based on the view selections made on the previous data set.
  • Field parsing errors in the imported data can now be ignored when using templates.
  • License information can now be read from a static setup file without the need for online verification. To utilize this feature please contact The ABC Softwork Support Dep. for assistance.
  • Proxy settings can now be read from a static setup file. To utilize this feature please contact The ABC Softwork Support Dep. for assistance.
  • An issue where the output of the FileDate()-function would output the wrong date when using templates.
  • An issue where opening a cross table in Excel would result in incorrect sorting of column and/or row names.
  • When making a custom categorization setup the “OK” button will trigger the action to make a new categorization.
  • The data view window from clicking items in the graph views are now in the front by default.
  • Making click reports from the Graph and Movements views now function properly.
  • An issue where clicking in the the categories when making a custom design wouldn’t select the category.
  • An issue where uncategorized items would produce duplicate rows in the Overview when viewing custom categorizations.
  • The new categorization tab now functions properly when selecting various options.