Tailor Your KPI Boards

Turnover Rate per Category
An even more useful new feature is your ability to set a column to show your turnover rate per category, while being able to review all your other boards simultaneously.

How to set up a KPI board to show “Turnover Rate per Category.”
To be able to show your turnover rate per category you need a data column set with the following formula:

Turnover rate = Cost Value (cost price X units sold) X Avg. Stock Value

Go to the top menu and press “Columns”, choose “New Columns”, type in your desired column name and formula. The program will help you by auto-filling when you utilize “[” or “]” in your formula. If you’ve imported a 4.3 project file it may already include the column. If so, choose “edit column” and open the editing window

Important: Make sure you checked the box “Show result per category (Overview + KPI)”

Once you’ve checked the box, press “OK”.

Go to the KPI tab. At the top of the tab choose the green icon “+” (new KPI board), then choose the column with “turnover rate”. Underneath you’ll see a new KPI board. If you later want to edit a KPI board simply press the gray top bar – when the board’s background is blue you can edit it with the same controls you used to set up the board.

And every time data is updated your boards will update automatically.