ABC Analyzer 4.1.0

  • Some confusion and mixup about the use of horizontal and vertical have now been resolved.
  • We have fixed some minor issues with the formula columns. Under special circumstances, the column functions would produce incorrect results – this has been resolved.
  • The MyAnalysis have had some issues regarding the interface resolved. When using custom categorizations, the interface would sometimes adjust some graphical components to a state where the interface looked “funny” – this had been resolved.
  • ABC Analyzer 4.1.0 comes with a great amount of new features and improvements, including:

    • Data opened directly in Excel will now be arranged in chopped as currently shown in the grid. This way you can arrange and sort your data as you like before opening it in Excel.
    • Dynamic updating is now used on views to ensure the overall performance on larger datasets. Read more…
    • It is now possible to ignore columns during data import. This way you save resources by leaving out the data that you don’t want. Read more…
    • It is now possible to delete rows excluded using the filter (along with the filter itself). By doing this you will free resources and possibly boost the performance. Read more…
    • New functions “ImportDate” and “FileDate” have been added. This enables the use of completely new set of possible formula columns – expanding your analytical capabilities. Read more…
    • We have added Templates! It is now possible to store templates containing setup information about data, filters, formulas and categorizations. These can be used along with a file containing raw data to create project files.
    • When updating a project file from the data source, it is now possible to ignore errors much like when using the importer.
    • We have changed the program icon! Now it is pretty and neat looking no matter what resolution is used.