Forfatter: Anders Hesdam

ABC Analyzer + Excel eller Office 2010

Når du bruger ABC Analyzer, og vil indlæse data fra Excel-filer, kræver det at de rette komponenter er installeret. Disse komponenter blev automatisk installeret under Office 2007, men ved Office 2010 er dette ikke længere tilfældet. Det er bekræftet at en komplet installation af Office 2010 giver ABC Analyzer mulighed for at indlæse data fra […]

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Update trouble caused by browser error

We are currently experiencing some errors in certain web browsers affecting our update process. If you keep getting the update available notice you are probably affected too. Tests show that some browsers re-download a cached installer instead of downloading the right installation file redirected by the static always-newest-URL. This behaviour occurs even though we’ve specifically […]

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