Forfatter: Alberte

Sortimentsstyring: Sådan bruger Carl Ras Checklists

Jens Peter Jørgensen, Sortimentsansvarlig, bruger Checklists i sit arbejde med 3 produktchefer, og forventer at starte flere op. Han sender checklister direkte fra ABC Analyzer til hver produktchef, og beder om accept til at udbrede varer der klarer sig godt til flere butikker. Produktcheferne kikker listerne igennem, og vurderer Jens Peters forslag: Skal varen være […]

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7 effective tips to improve your negotiation skills

The tips have been prepared by negotiation expert Christian Bryde-Nielsen and ABC Softwork. Good luck with your negotiations! 1. Avoid negotiation for insignificant products Preparation is the key to success. Before the negotiation begins, assess the importance of the supplier’s different products. Which of his products are you selling the most, and which ones contribute […]

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Who’s in charge of your AA-products

AA-products are (naturally) extremely important to your core business. Do check: Are the majority of AA-products jammed on one single purchaser, making it impossible to supervise them all? Is the input field in your ERP stating who’s “Responsible” empty, meaning nobody focus on the product? Are some AA-products handled by an inexperienced purchaser? This tutorial […]

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