Forfatter: Alberte

Sanistål: Operational efficiency fuels great results

Kristian Smed, Marketing coordinator of construction at Sanistål, plays a vital role as ABC Analyzer Expert and “information hub” at Sanistål. Years ago Sanistål realized the importance of great up-to-date analysis. Product Managers and Product Coordinators always have access to  up-to-date analysis and information about their product assortment. It is Kristian’s job to make sure they have the needed analytics […]

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Free tool: The ABC Poster

A lot of you have asked for a poster that explains the ABC categories. Now, it’s here! Print it and hang it in your office. Download the poster (pptx) Adjust the poster to your reality When you have downloaded the poster, make sure it fits your company ABC categorization: Click the example in the powerpoint, […]

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Effektiv drift skaber resultater hos Sanistål

Kristian Smed, Markedskoordinator Byggeri hos Sanistål, spiller en central rolle som ABC Analyzer Ekspert og informationscentral hos Sanistål. Hos Sanistål har de indset vigtigheden af at Produktchefer, og -koordinatorer konstant holdes up-to-date med analyser & viden om deres produktsortiment. Det er Kristians opgave at sikre det sker. Målet er at sortiment og lagerbinding altid reflekterer kundernes efterspørgsel. Nyt værktøj til […]

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Peter Justesen: Fokus på supply chain er nøglen til profitabel vækst

Peter Justesen har på godt ét år reduceret lagerværdi med 57 procent og forbedret servicegrader, likviditet samt lageromsætningshastighed markant. Det er sket med fokus på SCM, category management og S&OP med støtte fra ABC Analyzer. ”Supply chain, category management og sales & operations planning er afgørende virkemidler for, at vi kan skabe lønsom vækst i […]

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Rocket science in Western Jutland

Process design: At Søren Frederiksen A/S, they have developed a process model which fits perfectly with ABC Analyzer. The model ensures that the entire organization stays on track during the ABC strategy implementation. ABC Analyzer is used to transform company data into new analytical insights, and the process model ensures that the analytical insights shape […]

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Name the categories on a checklist

Name the checklist-categories, so your colleagues never doubt what to do with the products on the checklist.  With the new 2016-version, you can publish checklists, name the four checklist-categories, split lists and uploade multiple top 10 lists from ABC Analyzer in one take. Naming the categories, will help your colleagues to remember when a certain product should be marked as  “green”, “yellow” or “red” […]

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